August 3rd, 2017, VANCOUVER, B.C. – ASHBURTON VENTURES INC. (ABR-TSX:V) (ARB-FRANKFURT)  (“Ashburton” or the "Company”) is pleased to announce that the evacuation order at the Z-1 Zeolite Quarry has been rescinded. Quarry operator ZMM Canada Minerals Corp. has recommenced mining processing activities at the Z-1 Zeolite Quarry.

On July 8, 2017, the property located three kilometers NE of Cache Creek, BC, was placed under an evacuation order due to the Elephant Hill fire. There was no fire on the property and no damage to any of the equipment, Quarry or stockpiled zeolite.

Crews will remove 15,000 cubic yards of overburden to improve site access. Prior work on the property involved extracting approximately 9000 tons of zeolite which was crushed and placed in a stockpile. Crews will open the stockpile to check for moisture content and spread the pile as necessary for rapid dehydration. Crushing will then reduce the 3/4 minus zeolite to a 1/4 minus particle size. 1/4 minus zeolite has a maximum diameter of 1/4 inch but contains a range of particle sizes down to fine fractions.

The zeolite will be loaded into one-ton bulk bags and stacked in a location protected from the elements, ready to be trucked directly to customers, to distribution hubs or for further processing and packaging at an off-site location.

LuVerne Hogg, Operations Manager of the Z-1 Quarry jointly operated by Ashburton and ZMM Minerals Canada Corp, stated “The point of this work is to get us to where we can sell and deliver products. Operations will be twelve hours a day, six days a week until the entire stockpile of zeolite is crushed and bagged. We estimate that this phase of operations will be completed by the end of August.”

Ashburton President David Gdanski stated, “We are extremely pleased to have crews back at work in a safe environment. This is a historic moment for the Z-1 Quarry as we approach making our products widely available. This work also brings Ashburton a significant step closer to earning a 100% undivided ownership interest in the mineral claims of the Z-1 Quarry according to the terms of the January 23rd Option Agreement between ZMM and ABR.”

Gdanski added, “We continue to monitor the wildfire situation in the BC Interior. We at Ashburton extend our deepest sympathies to families and workers impacted by the fires.”

The technical contents of this release were approved by LuVerne E.W. Hogg, a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The properties have not been the subject of a National Instrument 43-101 report.

Ashburton Ventures Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company focused on Canadian mineral projects in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada.  If you would like to be added to the news release distribution please get in touch with us at

Signed “Michael England”
Michael England, CEO

Telephone: 1-604-683-3995; Toll Free: 1-888-945-4770;

Cautionary Note:

The Company cautions that the project does not contain a current resource or reserve. In addition, the Company advises that its decision to commence mining processing activities on the project is not based on a feasibility study. The Company further cautions that production decisions not supported by a feasibility study have increased uncertainty and higher risks of technical failure and there is no certainty that the project will be found to be economic.

Forward-Looking Statements:

Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Ashburton Ventures Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


August 1, 2017, VANCOUVER, B.C. – ASHBURTON VENTURES INC. (ABR-TSX:V) (ARB-FRANKFURT)  (“Ashburton” or the "Company”) wishes to clarify that it does not have a NI43-101 report to support any resource statement, that its project does not contain a current resource or reserve, and that the Company retracts the resource stated in its July 13, 2017 news release. The Company further cautions that production decisions not supported by a feasibility study have increased uncertainty and higher risks of technical failure and there is no certainty that the project will be found to be economic.

The technical contents of this release were approved by LuVerne E.W. Hogg, a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The properties have not been the subject of a National Instrument 43-101 report.

Ashburton Ventures Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company focused on Canadian mineral projects in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada.  If you would like to be added to the news release distribution please get in touch with us at

Signed “Michael England”
Michael England, CEO

Telephone: 1-604-683-3995; Toll Free: 1-888-945-4770;


July 19th, 2017, VANCOUVER, B.C. – ASHBURTON VENTURES INC. (ABR-TSX:V) (ARB-FRANKFURT)  (“Ashburton” or the "Company”) is pleased to announce that BC Bud Depot’s Research and Development facility on Salt Spring Island has placed an initial twenty-ton zeolite order based on the encouraging results of an ongoing study into the effects of Ashburton’s Z-1 Zeolite and ZMM T-Carbon on cannabis growth and productivity.

The study has entered its third and final phase with the current harvest of all 72 plants providing scientific data. Phase Two samples, of plant tissue and soil, are currently at MB Labs in Sidney, BC, a Health Canada certified cannabis analytics laboratory.

Phase One data revealed notable trends corresponding to the Z-1 zeolite and zeolite-carbon enrichment of the growth medium. Reduced pathogens in liquid runoff from amended soils suggests a cleaner root zone with fewer factors to inhibit cannabis productivity. Highlights include:

  • Up to 85% less Staphylococcus bacteria;
  • Up to 90% less of total Coliforms;
  • Up to 48% less of Lactose Fermenters;
  • Up to 62% less Yeast and Fungi.

The Company’s Z-1 Zeolite also prevented wasteful leaching of five critical nutrients to cannabis production – nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium – allowing higher levels to remain available for plant uptake. Plants in straight coconut fibre lost up to 438% more nutrient during irrigation.

According to facility operator Edward Bielert, “We’re seeing healthier plants that are noticeably heavier as we hang them up to dry. It’s safe to say that zeolite makes some difference to yields, but we harvest in stages, top buds first, so we don’t have final weight numbers yet.”

Bielert added, “What we do already know, and what impacts us immensely, is the labour we’ll save by planting our whole farm with zeolite. We were surprised by how much water zeolite soaks up – plants potted with zeolite required irrigation only half as often. That’s hundreds of man-hours saved in a crop cycle. Z-1 Zeolite will revolutionize operations here.”

Initially BC Bud Depot’s Research and Development facility have placed a twenty-ton Purchase Order of Z-1 clinoptilolite Zeolite. Processing this premium-grade zeolite will begin at the Z-1 Quarry imminently, as the Cache Creek evacuation order has been lifted.

“We’re pleased to take our initial order from the cannabis industry. Mr. Bielert has strong ties to the Canadian Licensed Producer [LP] community,” stated Tim Harvey, Chief Operations Officer. “Having a cannabis farmer of his stature to showcase our product on a large scale, and having the science to establish quantitative benefits to marijuana production puts us in a strong position to convey the value that Z-1 Zeolite can add to LP cannabis operations.”

Ashburton Ventures Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company focused on Canadian mineral projects in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada.  If you would like to be added to the news release distribution please get in touch with us at

Signed “Michael England”
Michael England, CEO

Telephone: 1-604-683-3995; Toll Free: 1-888-945-4770;

Forward-Looking Statements:

Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Ashburton Ventures Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


July 13th, 2017, VANCOUVER, B.C. – ASHBURTON VENTURES INC. (ABR-TSX:V) (ARB-FRANKFURT)  (“Ashburton” or the "Company”) has learned that fires moving through the Cache Creek region did not make contact with the Z1 Zeolite Mine. Crews and equipment are contracted to arrive on site when air quality improves and fires have been brought under control. Ashburton will update investors once operations commence or further information is available.

Contracted equipment includes an excavator, crusher, loader, screener and control power plant.

Crews will remove 15,000 cubic yards of overburden to improve access to zeolite reserves. They will open the current stockpile of crushed zeolite, estimated at nearly 9000 tons, to check internal humidity and spread the pile as necessary for rapid dehydration. Crushing will then reduce the 3/4 Minus zeolite to a 1/4 Minus particle size. 1/4 Minus zeolite has a maximum diameter of 1/4 inch but contains a range of particle sizes down to microscopic levels that can be isolated as fractions by screen sifting.

Preliminary screening on-site will fractionate the zeolite for storage in bulk bags containing approximately one ton per bag. Bulk bags will be stacked in a location protected from the elements, ready to be trucked direct to customers, warehouses or further refining at an off-site location.

LuVerne Hogg, CEO of ZMM Minerals Canada Corp and Operations Manager of the Z1 Quarry, stated “the point of this work project is to get us to where we can sell and deliver products at as low a cost as possible. Operations will be twelve hours a day, six days a week until all eight thousand plus tons are processed.” 

ZMM Canada Minerals Corp. and Ashburton Ventures Inc. wishes to extend a heartfelt concern for all the residents of the area including contractors and everyone affected by these events. We will continue to closely monitor conditions and provide support where possible.

Ashburton Ventures Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company focused on Canadian mineral projects in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada.  If you would like to be added to the news release distribution please get in touch with us at

Signed “Michael England”
Michael England, CEO

Telephone: 1-604-683-3995; Toll Free: 1-888-945-4770;

Forward-Looking Statements:

Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Ashburton Ventures Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


July 10th, 2017, VANCOUVER, B.C. – ASHBURTON VENTURES INC. (ABR-TSX:V) (ARB-FRANKFURT)  (“Ashburton” or the "Company”) is pleased to announce that initial laboratory results from Ashburton’s study of cannabis grown in zeolite and carbon have been published on the Ashburton Ventures website. A second round of samples is now in possession of MB Labs in Sidney, BC, for laboratory analysis to expand the data set from liquid runoff captured from cannabis plants involved in the study.

According to Albert Kasprowicz, biologist and site manager at the cannabis research facility on Salt Spring Island, BC, “Our data so far suggests that adding fifteen or twenty per cent of a zeolite-carbon blend to the potting mix has high potential benefits to cannabis, such as reducing the pathogen burden on plants and increasing availability of key nutrients. We decided to amplify the data with further samples so that our findings will carry more weight. We’re extremely interested to see if our upcoming data set replicates and confirms our initial findings.”

As the final set of liquid runoff samples are analyzed, the study team is collecting samples of substrate from the root zone, and samples of plant tissue from leaf material for submission to MB Labs this week.

Chief Operating Officer Tim Harvey oversees the study for Ashburton. He noted: “A more complete picture of how zeolite affects plant health will emerge over coming weeks as we compare Phase One results, profiling liquid runoff, with Phase Two and Three data concerning the content of the potting mix, living plant tissue and ultimately the dried marijuana flowers. We’ll gain a picture of the nutrient pathways affecting different plant groups in our study, and then see how this affects the production of quality of marijuana.”

Harvey continued, “Studies of zeolite’s effects on other agricultural crops have found increased vegetable mass and higher vitamin content. Our study is the first to pair zeolite with cannabis, so we’re going in blind as to what the results might be. However, if zeolite or a zeolite-carbon blend is shown to have a highly positive impact on marijuana growth, quality and yields, we anticipate strong demand for a propriety soil enhancer tailored to marijuana cultivation. We’ll then shift our focus from conducting science to satisfying that demand.”

With plants scheduled for harvest in one week, the cannabis-zeolite study now enters a critical phase in both the greenhouse and laboratory. Results will be posted on the Ashburton website as they become available.

Ashburton Ventures Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company focused on Canadian mineral projects in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada.  If you would like to be added to the news release distribution please get in touch with us at

Signed “Michael England”
Michael England, CEO

Telephone: 1-604-683-3995; Toll Free: 1-888-945-4770;

Forward-Looking Statements:
Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Ashburton Ventures Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


July 10th, 2017, VANCOUVER, B.C. – ASHBURTON VENTURES INC. (ABR-TSX:V) (ARB-FRANKFURT)  (“Ashburton” or the "Company”) announces that it has granted a total of up to 400,000 stock options to directors and consultants of the company, exercisable at a price of $0.15 per share for a period of two years from the date of grant. The options have been granted in accordance with the company's stock option plan.

Ashburton Ventures Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company focused on Canadian mineral projects in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada.  If you would like to be added the news release distribution please get in touch with us at

Signed “Michael England”
Michael England, CEO

Telephone: 1-604-683-3995; Toll Free: 1-888-945-4770;


July 5th, 2017, VANCOUVER, B.C. – ASHBURTON VENTURES INC. (ABR-TSX:V) (ARB-FRANKFURT)  (“Ashburton” or the "Company”) is pleased to announce the release of a second set of laboratory data from MB Labs in Sidney, BC. The chemical analysis lists levels of sixteen major and minor plant nutrients detected in liquid runoff captured from cannabis plants involved in a study of zeolite and carbon in marijuana cultivation.

Clinoptilolite zeolite used in the study is from the Z-1 Mine near Cache Creek, BC, jointly operated by Ashburton Ventures and ZMM Canada Minerals Corp.

Sample data indicates a high retention of key macronutrients in the root zone of cannabis plants potted with zeolite and zeolite-carbon blends. Control group samples revealed higher nutrient leaching from plants potted in straight coconut fibre. Leached nutrients are drawn out of the root zone with liquid runoff when the potting medium is fully saturated during plant irrigation. Zeolite’s capacity to combat leaching allows plants greater access to nutrients and prevents waste.

“It appears that zeolite keeps important nutrients where they’re needed – available to the roots,” said biologist and project manager Albert Kasprowicz. “Consider nitrogen. Substrates without the zeolite-carbon blend leached 300% more Ammonia and 63% more Nitrate.”

Kasprowicz also noted “Zeolite has impacted phosphorus as well. Phosphorus plays an important role in the conversion of light into chemical energy and promotes the formation of flower mass in cannabis. Organic growers invest heavily in fertilizers such as bat guano and rock phosphate. Phosphorus is a precious nutrient, so we pay special attention to leaching versus retention and uptake. In our study, control substrates leached 56% more phosphorus than zeolite-carbon substrates. Zeolite and carbon are catching significantly more phosphorus before it escapes as waste.” 

The laboratory data also revealed zeolite’s high capacity to retain potassium, a third critical macronutrient known to cannabis growers as the “quality-enhancing nutrient.” Potassium supports plant respiration, activates enzymes and protein synthesis, and facilitates nutrient transport between cells.

Control samples leached 438% and 261% more potassium than straight zeolite and zeolite-carbon blends, respectively.

Ashburton COO Tim Harvey stated “Despite being lower, the 261% figure is especially interesting because that’s from plants potted with zeolite and carbon from wood ash, which is loaded with potassium. Despite the extra potassium, there was a startling capacity to hold potassium in the soil. That’s excellent news for growers because it’s hard to overdose plants on potassium, and it helps in growing strong-limbed plants to carry the heavy bud loads we’re after. Potassium also produces the textures, terpenes and cannabinoids of an elite-quality marijuana.”

“The numbers paint a compelling picture so far,” stated Kasprowicz. “They’ve exceeded my expectations of the impact of zeolite. This upcoming round of data will add weight to our initial findings, expand our understanding and set us up for the next phase of our study.”

Ashburton Ventures Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company focused on Canadian mineral projects in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada.  If you would like to be added to the news release distribution please get in touch with us at

Signed “Michael England”
Michael England, CEO

Telephone: 1-604-683-3995; Toll Free: 1-888-945-4770;

Forward-Looking Statements:

Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Ashburton Ventures Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Ashburton Moving Ahead on Commercializing the TransCanada Zeolite Property

June 29th, 2017, VANCOUVER, B.C. – ASHBURTON VENTURES INC. (ABR-TSX:V) (ARB-FRANKFURT)  (“Ashburton” or the "Company”) has been advised by ZMM Canada that the Application under the Provincial BC Mines Act Permit has been made to the British Columbia Ministry of Energy Mines on the TransCanada Zeolite property.

The Notice of Work and Reclamation Program application was submitted in April 2017. A reclamation security deposit has been made. The permit is for the removal of a bulk sample of 1,000 tonnes of the deposit. The TransCanada Zeolite property is located east of Kamloops, BC; 2 km east of Highway 97 and within 6 km of the TransCanada Highway.

The Notice of Work includes upgrading an access road to the quarry site. Mining of the 1,000-tonne sample will be by excavator; the material will be hauled 300 metres by rock trucks and stockpiled. A crusher will be brought in to crush the zeolite to less than 1/4 inch. Further processing and handling will be off the mine site.

The bulk sample will enable testing of the crystalline, high-purity zeolite. The high purity crystalline zeolite is slated for clean tech applications in the areas of molecular sieves, gas separation and purifying gas streams utilizing the exceptional properties of the zeolite. Other products will be produced for horticulture, agriculture and used in specialty cementations materials.

We are looking forward to moving ahead with the development of this unique resource and providing clean tech environmental and industrial solutions. We are organized to proceed as soon as the mine permits are received.

 “The exceptional properties of crystalline zeolite lead to applications in numerous clean technology solutions like reverse adsorption systems, thermal energy harvesting and solar energy storage.  This will be a first for British Columbia”, said LuVerne E.W. Hogg, CEO of ZMM Canada Minerals Corp.

Ashburton Ventures Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company focused on Canadian mineral projects in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada.  If you would like to be added to the news release distribution please get in touch with us at

Signed “Michael England”
Michael England, CEO

Telephone: 1-604-683-3995; Toll Free: 1-888-945-4770;

Forward-Looking Statements:

Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Ashburton Ventures Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release


June 27th, 2017, VANCOUVER, B.C. – ASHBURTON VENTURES INC. (ABR-TSX:V) (ARB-FRANKFURT)  (“Ashburton” or the "Company”) is pleased to announce the release of data obtained from laboratory analysis at MB Labs in Sidney, BC, of the microbiology of liquid runoff captured from cannabis plants involved in a study of zeolite and carbon in marijuana cultivation.

The data indicated significantly lower concentrations of bacteria, fungi and yeast found in liquid runoff from plants enriched with zeolite and a zeolite-carbon blend, as compared to control samples. The clinoptilolite zeolite used in the study is from the Z1 Mine near Cache Creek, BC, operated jointly by Ashburton Ventures and ZMM Canada Minerals Corp. ZMM Canada supplied the carbon.

“This is a wonderful data set,” said biologist and project manager Albert Krasprowicz. “It illustrates how zeolite allows much cleaner cultivation. As growers, we typically use moist substrates and grow a dense canopy, but this invites bacteria that can lead to outbreaks and decreased production. With zeolite or a zeolite-carbon blend, bacteria levels fall dramatically. We anticipate healthier harvests from plants with a reduced bacterial burden.”

“Data from control samples were in a completely different range,” Krasprowicz noted. “With zeolite and carbon, we see 85% and 90% less of total staph and coliforms. We’ll take a larger set of samples next week and if we can replicate these findings, it’ll be a game-changer. Everybody’s happy with a cleaner substrate and vigorous, resilient plants.”

While trends did emerge from the data, Krasprowicz also noted some anomalies. “Dealing with composted coconut fibre, you would expect some data outliers. It’s imperative that we collect more data to confirm the overall trend.”

Laboratory analysis was performed by MB Labs in Sidney, BC. MB Labs also performed a detailed chemical analysis. Results are due next week.

Ashburton Ventures Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company focused on Canadian mineral projects in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada.  If you would like to be added to the news release distribution please get in touch with us at

Signed “Michael England”
Michael England, CEO

Telephone: 1-604-683-3995; Toll Free: 1-888-945-4770;

Forward-Looking Statements:

Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Ashburton Ventures Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


June 14th, 2017, VANCOUVER, B.C. – ASHBURTON VENTURES INC. (ABR-TSX:V) (ARB-FRANKFURT)  (“Ashburton” or the "Company”) has received a progress report from LuVerne E.W. Hogg of ZMM Canada Minerals Corp., operator of the Joint Operating Committee on the development of the Z-1 Clinoptilolite Zeolite Quarry. The report reviews the research project title “Salinity Tolerance of Regional Native Plant Species and Soil Amendment Potential for Reclamation”. The work is being conducted by the Boreal Research Institute of the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) with industry partners Apache Canada Ltd., ZMM Canada Minerals Corp.(ZMM), Alberta Economic Development and Trade and Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

The goal of the program is to develop and test novel approaches to enhance and improve existing technologies to meet the demands of reclaiming naturally saline soil in northern Alberta. Ashburton Ventures Inc. and ZMM are providing Clinoptilolite Zeolite from the Z1 Quarry at Cache Creek, BC. and F-Chabazite Zeolite from the TransCanada Zeolite, east of Kamloops, BC. Both occurrences are under development by Ashburton and ZMM. Additionally, ZMM is providing ZMM T-Carbon. These materials will provide an important and valuable alternative to extensive dig-and-dump activities during remediation of salt-contained spill sites. Positive results on the use of Zeolites and T-Carbons in saline soils will open significant market opportunities for these Zeolite and T-Carbon products with oil and gas companies.

Combining new and existing reclamation practices and technologies established from this project will assist in creating best practices for cross-industry and cross-sector adoption. The work here will reflect positively and enhance Alberta’s energy-driven economy. By restoring the services and goods provided by boreal forest ecosystems, industry and SMEs promote responsible management and environmental stewardship for the long-term benefit of all Albertans.

Forest land reclamation is an important business and employment generator in northern Alberta. There is a backlog of over 15,000 well sites requiring reclamation on the crown land of north western Alberta alone. The Alberta Energy regulator currently certifies, on average, only 780 well sites in the boreal region annually worth an estimated reclamation investment of $39 million.

We look forward to reporting on the progress and results of this significant initiative to create new and innovative soil remediation techniques utilizing the unique properties of our Zeolites and ZMM T-Carbon.

“The oil and gas industry is known for the development of new technologies and is now directing these abilities to the reclamation of the Boreal forests. The industry has survived and thrived as an early adopter of new technologies for the creation of additional economic and employment opportunities for all. Ashburton and ZMM are proud to participate in this new, green technology program and we anticipate creating significant demand for our products.” states Dave Gdanski, President of Ashburton.

Ashburton Ventures Inc. is a Canadian-based junior exploration company focused on Canadian mineral projects in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada.  If you would like to be added the news release distribution please get in touch with us at

Signed “Michael England"
Michael England, CEO

Telephone: 1-604-683-3995; Toll Free: 1-888-945-4770;

Forward-Looking Statements:

Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Ashburton Ventures Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.