Progressive Planet Launches New Calgary-Based R&D Innovation Division, Focus on Sustainable Cement Development and Materials Science Consulting

C-Quester™ Centre of Sustainable Innovation Facility Dedicated to Tackling Global Challenges of Climate Change and Waste Reduction  
Vancouver, BC, November 18, 2021 – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. (TSXV: PLAN) (“PLAN” or the “Company”), an emerging technology company providing innovative circular solutions and eco-friendly micronized mineral powders for industry and agriculture, is pleased to announce plans to expand operations into Calgary, Alberta with the launch of its C-Quester Centre of Sustainable Innovation in Q1 2022.
Co-located with collaborative partner ZS2 Technologies (“ZS2”), the 1,600-square foot R&D lab and testing facility will help accelerate both IP generation and the optimization and commercial development of future eco-friendly products for the cement, concrete and building materials industries. Run by Progressive Planet’s VP of Research and Development, Dr. Roger Mah, with assistance from Scientific Advisor, Dr. Doug Brown, the Centre will focus on micronized mineral production and include capabilities to help measure carbon uptake. It will also cater to contract research and development programs from customers requiring specialized skills and technical assistance to help solve real world sustainability challenges.
“We’re in the preliminary stages of a sustainability revolution and building the C-Quester Centre of Sustainable Innovation will strengthen our ability to introduce innovative technologies that capitalize on much needed market disruption,” said Steve Harpur, CEO of Progressive Planet. “Calgary has an incredible talent pool, full of educated and industrious professionals that are excited about being part of the new sustainable economy and purpose-driven research. Advancing joint work on carbon sequestration in magnesium-based cements with ZS2, along with improving carbon sequestration on Portland based cements independently have been Company priorities, and the timing aligns perfectly with our commercialization plans for PozGlass and other supplementary cementing materials.”
Commenting on the expansion of PLAN’s R&D activities, ZS2 Technologies CEO, Scott Jenkins said: “Progressive Planet is developing world-class products to significantly reduce the carbon footprint and improve the performance of cement, one of the most consumed building materials on the planet. Their investment in a strategic R&D Centre, in concert with the significant expansion of our manufacturing capacity in Q1 2022, is a testament to the momentum our partnership is generating to reduce the carbon footprint of construction — the world’s largest industry.”
ZS2 Technologies develops and manufactures proprietary advanced building technologies including fire-rated, non-toxic, low-carbon cementitious building materials and prefabricated structural panels. ZS2 markets and delivers high performance building solutions for the residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, and healthcare sectors in Canada and the United States both directly and through a growing network of distribution partners.
Progressive Planet is an emerging technology company providing innovative circular solutions and earth-friendly micronized minerals that naturally unlock sustainability benefits across the construction and agriculture industries. Tapping into the earth’s inherent binding powers and properties, PLAN is developing and scaling a portfolio of proprietary solutions to help our customers build, grow, and operate more responsibly.
PLAN continues work on creating supplementary cementing materials (SCMs) with a focus on minimizing the carbon footprint of the SCMs we create; utilizing waste materials where possible to create the most sustainable SCMs; and sequestering CO2 in SCMs to address climate change.
PLAN’s operations currently include:

  • A comminution facility in Spallumcheen, BC which is currently producing micronized minerals used by farmers in lieu of chemical fertilizers to promote healthy soils without the addition of chemicals,
  • A research lab in Calgary, AB focused on creating SCMs and associated technologies to sequester CO2 in concrete; and,
  • Three natural pozzolan properties in BC including our flagship Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry in Cache Creek, BC and our two pozzolan properties under development, the Z2 Natural Pozzolan Property near Falkland and the Heffley Creek Metals and Natural Pozzolan Property.

For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Jeff Walker,
Vice President, The Howard Group
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


New PozGlass™ 100G SCM Receives Breakthrough Test Results;
Offers Eco-Friendly Alternative to Fly Ash Engineered to Help Tackle Climate Change
Vancouver, BC, November 9, 2021 – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. (TSXV: PLAN) (“PLAN” or the “Company”), an emerging technology company providing innovative circular solutions and eco-friendly micronized mineral powders for industry and agriculture, is pleased to announce PozGlass™ 100G SCM – the Company’s new and proprietary supplementary cementing material (SCM) made from 100% recycled glass. Having just received breakthrough initial test results, PozGlass 100G SCM is designed to dramatically reduce cement’s carbon footprint while increasing its performance.
PozGlass 100G SCM’s introduction comes on the heels of PLAN’s October 18, 2021 announcement that it successfully completed third party testing of its flagship supplementary cementing material, PozGlass™ SCM, as a superior replacement to fly ash. PozGlass SCM is a mixture of micronized, post-consumer glass and natural pozzolan harvested from PLAN’s Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry near Cache Creek, BC. and can be used to replace significant levels of fly ash and Portland Cement, one of the greatest sources for CO2 emissions in the world. Estimates suggest that the concrete industry is responsible for roughly 7% of total global carbon emissions.
Natural pozzolans are prevalent in western North America as a result of volcanic activity, but are generally not found along the eastern seaboard. In an effort to seamlessly gain entry into larger urban markets from coast to coast without requiring natural pozzolan to be shipped and then blended with locally sourced recycled glass, PLAN quietly developed and tested its new version of PozGlass. The name, PozGlass 100G, reflects the fact that this revolutionary SCM uses 100% post-consumer glass which is micronized to a fine powder and permanently sequesters CO2 through proprietary processes.
Post-consumer glass exists as a waste problem in every major city in North America, opening up exponential market potential for PLAN’s technology. Incorporating PozGlass’ post-consumer waste glass formula into concrete as a Portland Cement replacement will help the environment by both reducing the amount of CO2 emissions as well as reducing the amount of waste glass disposed of in landfills. To date, the biggest hindrances to using 100% ground glass as a supplementary cementing material has been its inability to fully mitigate alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) and its lower early strength gains in concrete compared to other pozzolans.
Nine samples of PozGlass 100G SCM, utilizing a 25% replacement of Portland Cement, were exposed to ASTM C1567 Standard Test Method for Determining the Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Combinations of Cementitious Materials and Aggregate (Accelerated Mortar-Bar Method). All nine easily passed the allowable limit of 0.10% mortar bar expansion at 16 days after casting, averaging only 0.05% expansion – or just half of the allowable limit.
“It is well known in the cement industry that one of the biggest challenges with using ground glass in concrete is its inability to pass ASTM test C1567 as a stand-alone pozzolan,” said Steve Harpur, CEO of Progressive Planet. “The fact that our proprietary treatment of post-consumer glass has resulted in exceptional ASR mitigation results is a game-changing achievement. With this technical breakthrough, our next focus is to confirm we can produce PozGlass 100G economically at scale. This is a significant milestone for PLAN.”
In addition, PozGlass 100G SCM samples also passed important testing requirements for 7-day Strength Activity Index (SAI) & water requirement for C618 Class N pozzolan.
“The 7-day SAI values for the treated ground glass samples reported in PozGlass 100G SCM are significantly higher than the values previously obtained in our laboratory for untreated ground glass,” states Dr. Michael Thomas. “Two previous tests on untreated ground glass gave 7-day SAI values of 79% each time, while PozGlass 100G SCM registered a 7-day SAI value of 88.3%.”
Additional testing and optimization will reconvene in the near future to maximize the percentage of Portland Cement which can be replaced with PozGlass 100G SCM.
PLAN continues development work on PozGlass 100G SCM with a focus on:

  • Confirming that this product can be produced economically at a commercial scale;
  • Maximizing its performance to boost replacement levels in industry;
  • Quantifying the carbon sequestration potential of this proprietary product; and
  • Seeking grant funding to produce PozGlass 100G at a larger scale.

Progressive Planet is an emerging technology company providing innovative circular solutions and earth-friendly micronized minerals that naturally unlock sustainability benefits across the construction and agriculture industries. Tapping into the earth’s inherent binding powers and properties, PLAN is developing and scaling a portfolio of proprietary solutions to help our customers build, grow, and operate more responsibly.
PLAN continues work on creating supplementary cementing materials (SCMs) with a focus on minimizing the carbon footprint of the SCMs we create; utilizing waste materials where possible to create the most sustainable SCMs; and sequestering CO2 in SCMs to address climate change.
PLAN’s operations currently include:

  • A comminution facility in Spallumcheen, BC which is currently producing micronized minerals used by farmers in lieu of chemical fertilizers to promote healthy soils without the addition of chemicals,
  • A research lab in Calgary, AB focused on creating SCMs and associated technologies to sequester CO2 in concrete; and,
  • Three natural pozzolan properties in BC including our flagship Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry in Cache Creek, BC and our two pozzolan properties under development, the Z2 Natural Pozzolan Property near Falkland and the Heffley Creek Metals and Natural Pozzolan Property.

For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Jeff Walker,
Vice President, The Howard Group
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Progressive Planet Hires Volt Strategic Partners for Market Communications and Capital Advisory Services

VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 20, 2021 – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. (TSXV: PLAN) (“PLAN” or “Progressive Planet”), an emerging technology company providing innovative circular solutions and earth-friendly micronized minerals that naturally unlock sustainability benefits across the construction and agriculture industries, is pleased to announce that it has engaged  Volt Strategic Partners Ltd. (“Volt Strategic“) as its capital markets and communications advisor.
Volt Strategic is a market communications and capital advisory firm working with senior business leaders and innovators to help grow organizational value, build business, and accelerate market appreciation for emerging technology, sustainability, and life sciences public companies.
“While many companies are shoring up their operational efficiencies to help reduce their carbon footprint, decarbonizing the cement industry requires transformative thinking and real technological innovation to take hold,” said Progressive Planet CEO Steve Harpur. “We’ve entered a new era where investors, governments and the general public all see strength in sustainability as a competitive advantage. PLAN has a great story to tell, and Volt’s capital markets experience and demonstrated ability to help companies differentiate, build profile and grow organizational value will help PLAN move forward in the months ahead.”
Under the terms of the October 18, 2021 agreement with Volt Strategic, Progressive Planet will pay Volt Strategic an aggregate amount of $54,000 over a term of six months for services and has granted 250,000 stock options of the Company, exercisable for a period of 18 months at market price of $0.385 per share. The agreement between PLAN and Volt Strategic may be extended with the prior written consent of the parties or terminated at any time.  These options shall vest 25% per quarter for the first year with the first 25% vesting immediately. The stock options and the agreement are both subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval.
Progressive Planet is an emerging technology company providing innovative circular solutions and earth-friendly micronized minerals that naturally unlock sustainability benefits across the construction and agriculture industries. Tapping into the earth’s (inherent) binding powers and properties, PLAN is developing and scaling a portfolio of proprietary solutions to help our customers build, grow, and operate more responsibly.
PLAN continues work on creating supplementary cementing materials (SCMs) with a focus on:

  • Minimizing the carbon footprint of the SCMs we create,
  • Utilizing waste materials where possible to create the most sustainable SCMs; and,
  • Sequestering CO2 in SCMs to address climate change.

PLAN operations currently include:

  • A comminution facility in Spallumcheen, BC which is currently producing micronized minerals used by farmers in lieu of chemical fertilizers to promote healthy soils without the addition of chemicals,
  • A research lab in Calgary, AB focused on creating SCMs and associated technologies to sequester CO2 in concrete; and,
  • Three natural pozzolan properties in BC including our flagship Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry in Cache Creek, BC and our two pozzolan properties under development, the Z2 Natural Pozzolan Property near Falkland and the Heffley Creek Metals and Natural Pozzolan Property.

For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Jeff Walker,
Vice President, The Howard Group
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Plans Underway to Introduce New Eco-Friendly Cementing Alternative to Fly Ash to Help Meet Growing Low-Carbon Concrete Demand

Vancouver, BC, October 18, 2021 – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. (TSXV: PLAN) (“PLAN” or “Progressive Planet”), an emerging technology company providing innovative circular solutions and earth-friendly micronized minerals that naturally unlock sustainability benefits across the construction and agriculture industries, is pleased to announce excellent results from Phase 2 and the final PozGlass SCM testing completed by third-party C&CS Atlantic under Dr. Michael Thomas’ direction. Dr. Thomas, a professor at the University of New Brunswick, has authored more than 200 technical papers and reports including the book “Supplementary Cementing Materials in Concrete”.
Two different proprietary blends of PozGlass SCM (each containing a different ratio of recovered post-consumer glass and natural pozzolans) were tested in combination with Portland Cement. Final test report results, inclusive of previous announcements released on April 26 and June 23 2021, demonstrated that PozGlass added enhanced compressive strength and durability, excellent chloride permeability (RCP testing), and resistance to acidic soil degradation well within accepted industry guidelines.
“Progressive Planet is ecstatic with these test results, as Dr. Thomas’ independent findings help to solidify our plans to commercially launch PozGlass SCM and give us great confidence as we further explore ready-mix and precast concrete supply chain opportunities,” said CEO Steve Harpur. “Our next steps will include identifying and procuring a long-term supply of glass in Western Canada and finding an optimal location that will support a commercial plant build and PozGlass SCM production.
Dr. Thomas designed a thorough review program, which tested two blended samples containing PozGlass SCM along with a third individual sample containing only Portland Cement. Two of the mortar mixes substituted 25% of the Portland Cement for PozGlass of an equivalent weight. The third mortar mix (the control mix) contained only Portland Cement.
Test results showed the mortar bars produced from the two mortar mixes expanded 0.03% and 0.02% respectively, after six months. Expansion less than 0.05% at six months indicates a mortar with high-level of sulfate resistance (less than 0.10% at six months indicates moderate sulfate
resistance). It should be noted that the control mortar bars, containing only Portland Cement, disintegrated at the 180-day mark, and could not be measured as a result.
Dr. Michael Thomas, who is active on technical committees within the American Concrete Institute (ACI), ASTM, RILEM, and the Canadian Standards Association stated: “The use of 25% of either of the two PozGlass blended pozzolan mixes in combination with a high-C3A Portland cement is sufficient to meet the requirements of a Type HSb cement (blended cement with high sulfate resistance) and is suitable for use in S-1 exposure (very severe sulphate exposures).”
“After 180 days, we have conclusive third-party proof that PozGlass is very effective at resisting degradation in concrete used below ground level in acidic soils,” Harpur added. “We now have the full package — an environmentally friendly and economically attractive solution to fly ash, that also enhances performance. PLAN has just taken a giant step closer toward securing and helping future customers meet their own sustainability targets by reducing the carbon footprint of cement.”
PLAN intends to supply the cement industry with PozGlass SCM as a superior replacement to fly ash. Fly ash is created as a by-product of burning coal to make electricity, but all coal fired power plants in Canada are mandated to shut down by December 2029, marking the end of fly ash.
PLAN continues work on creating supplementary cementing materials (SCMs) with a focus on:

  • Minimizing the carbon footprint of the SCMs we create,
  • Utilizing waste materials where possible to create the most sustainable SCMs; and,
  • Sequestering CO2 in SCMs to address climate change.

Progressive Planet is an emerging technology company providing innovative circular solutions and earth-friendly micronized minerals that naturally unlock sustainability benefits across the construction and agriculture industries. Tapping into the earth’s (inherent) binding powers and properties, PLAN is developing and scaling a portfolio of proprietary solutions to help our customers build, grow, and operate more responsibly.
PLAN operations currently include:

  • A comminution facility in Spallumcheen, BC which is currently producing micronized minerals used by farmers in lieu of chemical fertilizers to promote healthy soils without the addition of chemicals,
  • A research lab in Calgary, AB focused on creating SCMs and associated technologies to sequester CO2 in concrete; and,
  • Three natural pozzolan properties in BC including our flagship Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry in Cache Creek, BC and our two pozzolan properties under development, the Z2 Natural Pozzolan Property near Falkland and the Heffley Creek Metals and Natural Pozzolan Property.

For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Jeff Walker,
Vice President, The Howard Group
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Progressive Planet Appoints Mr. Peter Lacey to its Board

Vancouver, September 13, 2021 – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. (TSXV: PLAN) (“PLAN” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce the appointment of Peter Lacey as an independent member of its Board of Directors, effective immediately.
Peter has a proven track-record of building companies, most notably growing a single John Deere dealership into a leading global company, TSX-listed Cervus Equipment Corporation (“Cervus”). Cervus operates 64 dealerships across Canada, Australia, and New Zealand with 2020 revenue of $1.2 billion. Peter is the founder, the long-time Chairman, and largest shareholder of Cervus, which recently announced that it had agreed to be acquired by Brandt Tractor Ltd. for $19.50 per share in cash, creating one of the largest privately-held dealership groups in the world. The transaction values Cervus at approximately $302 million.
“I am proud to have founded, grown, and provided an exit for our shareholders at Cervus,” states Peter Lacey. “With this chapter of my life closing, I am focusing my current efforts on early-stage companies focused on sustainability and the mitigation of climate change. I am enthused to be both an investor and a director of PLAN and look forward to using my experience in growing another public company.”
PLAN has granted 400,000 stock options to Peter exercisable for a period of 3 years. The options have been granted in accordance with the Company’s stock option plan.
“We are pleased to welcome Peter Lacey and honoured he has accepted our invitation to join our board as we continue to add world-class talent to the Company,” says Steve Harpur, CEO. “Peter’s experience in rolling-up businesses at Cervus will assist PLAN as we grow organically while also evaluating opportunities to grow through potential acquisitions of other natural pozzolan businesses or companies.”
Progressive Planet is an emerging leader in supplying solutions for a livable planet by developing low carbon, pozzolan-based, cementing products which replace equivalent amounts of Portland Cement and fly ash in concrete. The production of Portland Cement is the second largest global generator of CO2 emissions.
Progressive Planet operates its flagship Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry in Cache Creek, British Columbia and is earning a 100% interest in the Z2 Natural Pozzolan Property near Falkland, BC and earning a 100% interest in the Heffley Creek Metals and Natural Pozzolan Property. All three properties are within a one-hour drive of Kamloops, BC, an industrial hub with rail access to Canadian and US markets.
For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Jeff Walker,
Vice President, The Howard Group
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Progressive Planet Receives 91-Day RCP Results for PozGlass™ SCM

Vancouver, September 07, 2021 – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. (TSXV: PLAN) (“PLAN” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce the positive 91-day Resistance to Chloride Ion Penetration (RCP) test results for its PozGlass™ SCM product. The Company is focused on delivering economic and eco-friendly solutions for the cement and concrete industry.
On June 23, 2021, PLAN announced the better-than-expected accelerated-cure RCP test results for PozGlass SCM. The 28-day accelerated-cure test results give an indication of the result expected at 91 days with standard curing. The Company is pleased to announce the 91-day RCP test results of 1035 Coulombs with 25% of Portland cement replaced with PozGlass SCM are identical to those received during the 28-day accelerated-cure test results.
“We believe PozGlass SCM will radically reduce the carbon footprint of cement through every step of the process,” stated Steve Harpur, CEO. “Lower permeability means longer-lasting concrete and less cement powder used in the future, which is key to reducing CO2 emissions.”
With the confirmation of the results, management remains optimistic that the market potential for the proprietary formulation and process in the blending of natural pozzolans and recovered post-consumer glass could be larger than originally expected.
On or before October 18, 2021, PLAN will be releasing the 6-month sulfate resistance test that began in April of this year. The test is the last remaining concrete durability test underway with C&CS Atlantic and represents another potential market size boost for PozGlass SCM.
Numerous precast and ready-mix concrete applications specify moderate-to-high resistance to sulfate attack and therefore require cement capable of resisting sulfate attack. Preliminary results from sulfate-resistance tests indicate that PozGlass SCM used at a 25% replacement for Portland cement significantly increases resistance to sulfate attack, as shown in the graph below:

Sulfate resistance helps protect against soils or ground waters where sulfate concentrations are higher than normal; often necessary in foundations such as basements and pilings. Sulfate resistant concrete is also widely used for concrete exposed to seawater and salt-water environments, in agriculture for structurally reinforced concrete exposed to manure and/or silage gases, and for concrete applications exposed to municipal sewage and industrial effluent.
PLAN is using the information gathered in these final phases of testing to facilitate early discussions with concrete producers, which has already met with success. The July 15 announcement of an LOI with ZS2 Technologies Ltd. stated PLAN will commence supplying ZS2 Technologies with commercial amounts of SCM product in Q4 2021, ramping up to 10,000 tons annually of Natural Pozzolan from PLAN’s Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry as the Company moves towards full-scale commercialization in Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest.
Progressive Planet is an emerging leader in supplying solutions for a livable planet by developing low carbon, pozzolan-based, cementing products which replace equivalent amounts of Portland Cement and fly ash in concrete. The production of Portland Cement is the second largest global generator of CO2 emissions.
Progressive Planet operates its flagship Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry in Cache Creek, British Columbia and is earning a 100% interest in the Z2 Natural Pozzolan Property near Falkland, BC and earning a 100% interest in the Heffley Creek Metals and Natural Pozzolan Property. All three properties are within a one-hour drive of Kamloops, BC, an industrial hub with rail access to Canadian and US markets.
For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Jeff Walker,
Vice President, The Howard Group
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Progressive Planet Receives Funding for Optimization of PozGlass™ SCM

Vancouver, September 01, 2021 – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. (TSXV: PLAN) (“PLAN” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce that it is receiving advisory services and funding of up to $100,000 from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) to support the Company’s research and development project to optimize PozGlass™ SCM. The project furthers the Company’s path to commercialization of economic and eco-friendly cement powders to replace Portland cement and fly ash in the production of concrete.
In recent weeks, PLAN has successfully sequestered CO2 into the post-consumer glass in PozGlass SCM using a proprietary process. Early results show the carbonated glass improves performance and the emissions reduction potential of PozGlass SCM. A US provisional patent application has been filed by PLAN.
“It is exciting that our early efforts to permanently sequester carbon dioxide in glass have been successful,” states Steve Harpur, CEO. “With our NRC IRAP-supported project, we are seeking to further reduce the carbon footprint of PozGlass SCM by converting CO2 into carbonate, which is permanent carbon sequestration. It is our continued intention to rapidly commercialize PozGlass SCM as a substitute for a significant portion of Portland cement and fly ash used concrete mixes with PozGlass SCM possessing a fraction of the carbon footprint of both Portland cement and fly ash.”
Unlike the production of Portland cement and fly ash, the production of PozGlass SCM does not require high temperature roasting or generate huge amounts of off-gassed CO2.
Progressive Planet is an emerging leader in supplying solutions for a livable planet by developing low carbon, pozzolan-based, cementing products which replace equivalent amounts of Portland Cement and fly ash in concrete. The production of Portland Cement is the second largest global generator of CO2 emissions.
Progressive Planet operates its flagship Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry in Cache Creek, British Columbia and is earning a 100% interest in the Z2 Natural Pozzolan Property near Falkland, BC and earning a 100% interest in the Heffley Creek Metals and Natural Pozzolan Property. All three properties are within a one-hour drive of Kamloops, BC, an industrial hub with rail access to Canadian and US markets.
For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Jeff Walker,
Vice President, The Howard Group
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Progressive Planet Announces New Business Relationship with Fertoz Ltd.

Vancouver, August 3, 2021 – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. (TSXV: PLAN) (“PLAN” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce a first Purchase Order (PO) from Fertoz Ltd (ASX: FTZ) (“Fertoz”). The new business relationship focuses on grinding soft rock phosphate into fine powder for use as organic fertilizer.
Since August 2020, PLAN has been processing organic rock powders for agriculture with the same equipment used to make supplementary cementitious materials. While pursuing market demand to move away from chemical fertilizers, PLAN has implemented a series of upgrades to its Comminution Plant to keep up with the rapid growth in demand.
The signed PO kicks off a relationship between Fertoz and PLAN in which PLAN will process Fertoz’s phosphate products for sale throughout Western Canada and the Northwest USA.
“Soil is the second biggest carbon sink after the oceans and the most logical place to put excess carbon,” says Ian Grant, PLAN’s VP of Business Development. “We are extremely pleased to be working with such a like-minded company and be processing materials that will rebuild our soils so they can sequester more CO2.
Fertoz is the largest supplier of organic rock phosphate in North America, and recently announced mining permits are in place to access large phosphate resources in Fernie, British Columbia. Fertoz’s products promote good agricultural practices that earn farmers carbon credits that can be sold back to industry to offset emissions.
Mining and extraction operations are planned to commence at Fernie in August 2021 to satisfy increasing demand. More on this can be found on Fertoz’s blog:
Pat Avery, CEO of Fertoz Ltd. stated, “we have been conducting planning and specifications meetings with Progressive Planet for some time. With their plant upgrades and our increasing sales volumes, particularly specialty blends, PLAN provides a great location for our customers.  Fertoz has expanded its line of low carbon and carbon sequestering fertilizers and products.   As noted, we have mining in the area and PLAN’s operation will allow us to upgrade our low carbon fertilizers cost effectively.”
Progressive Planet is an emerging leader in supplying solutions for a livable planet by developing low carbon, pozzolan-based, cementing products which replace equivalent amounts of Portland Cement and fly ash in concrete. The production of Portland Cement is the second largest global generator of CO2 emissions.
Progressive Planet operates its flagship Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry in Cache Creek, British Columbia and is earning a 100% interest in the Z2 Natural Pozzolan Property near Falkland, BC and earning a 100% interest in the Heffley Creek Metals and Natural Pozzolan Property. All three properties are within a one-hour drive of Kamloops, BC, an industrial hub with rail access to Canadian and US markets.
For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Jeff Walker,
Vice President, The Howard Group
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Vancouver, British Columbia and Calgary, Alberta, July 15, 2021 – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. (TSXV: PLAN) (“PLAN”) and ZS2 Technologies Ltd. (“ZS2”) are pleased to announce a signed Letter of Intent (LOI) between ZS2 and Progressive Planet Alberta Inc. (wholly owned subsidiary of PLAN). The collaboration will accelerate the development of eco-friendly products for the cement, concrete, and building products industries.
ZS2 is a Calgary, Alberta based developer of innovative building technologies, which are safer, healthier, stronger, more resilient, and sustainable versus conventional building products, materials and coatings.
PLAN is developing technologies and materials to reduce the carbon footprint of Portland Cement and create stronger and more sustainable concrete.  PLAN’s applied research efforts since January 2021 have focused on sequestering CO2 in concrete applications.
Highlights of the LOI include:

  • PLAN will commence supplying commercial amounts in Q4 2021, ramping up to 10,000 tons annually of Z1 Natural Pozzolan from PLAN’s Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry.
  • Combine applied research efforts to permanently sequester CO2 in magnesium-based cements.

In addition, PLAN has agreed to invest up to $300,000 in units of a private placement in ZS2 Technologies. Each unit consists of one share at a price of $1 per share and a full warrant to purchase an additional share at $2 for period of 18 months from date of closing. The private placement is for up to $1 million and multiple accredited investors will also participate in this private placement.
PLAN’s investment will be used for accelerated collaborative R&D investment by ZS2.  Investment in the private placement by PLAN is subject to approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.
In conjunction with this LOI, PLAN has established a concrete research lab at the ZS2 TechCenter in Calgary, Alberta, which will be run by Dr. Roger Mah.
“This move to Calgary fulfils our objective to concentrate our applied research efforts in Calgary, where PLAN’s VP of Research and Development, Dr. Roger Mah, and PLAN’s contracted Scientific Advisor, Dr. Doug Brown both reside. Dr. Brown is also Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder of ZS2. Dr.  Mah and Dr. Brown completed their Ph.D.’s concurrently at the University of Calgary and both have experience in working with CO2” stated Steve Harpur, CEO of PLAN.
“The technical collaboration between PLAN and ZS2 continues to grow,” commented Scott Jenkins, CEO of ZS2 and Director of PLAN. “The potential to reduce the carbon footprint of innovative cement products is significant with the combination of our mutual research and commercialization to date. ZS2’s growing portfolio of high performance, fire-resistant and sustainable building technologies will be greatly enhanced by our expanding partnership, and we are extremely excited about our shared future potential.”
Progressive Planet is an emerging leader in supplying solutions for a livable planet by developing low carbon, pozzolan-based, cementing products which replace equivalent amounts of Portland Cement and fly ash in concrete. The production of Portland Cement is the second largest global generator of CO2 emissions.
Progressive Planet operates its flagship Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry in Cache Creek, British Columbia and is earning a 100% interest in the Z2 Natural Pozzolan Property near Falkland, BC and earning a 100% interest in the Heffley Creek Metals and Natural Pozzolan Property. All three properties are within a one-hour drive of Kamloops, BC, an industrial hub with rail access to Canadian and US markets.
For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Jeff Walker,
Vice President, The Howard Group
ZS2 Technologies develops and manufactures proprietary advanced building technologies including proprietary fire-rated, non-toxic, low-carbon cementitious building materials and prefabricated structural panels. ZS2 markets and delivers high performance building solutions for the residential, commercial, industrial, healthcare and assisted living industry verticals in Canada and the United States both directly and through a growing network of TechPartners (distribution partners).
ZS2 is advancing construction solutions for building a better planet.
For further information please contact us:
Matt Stuart
Director, Communications, ZS2 Technologies
Forward-Looking Statements:
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Progressive Planet Upcoming Management Webinar

Vancouver, July 8, 2021 – Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. (TSXV: PLAN) (“PLAN” or the “Company”), will be hosting a Zoom webinar to update investors on its technology initiatives and the path to commercialization for economic and eco-friendly solutions for the cement and concrete industry.
When: Thursday, July 15, 2021, 4 PM (Eastern)
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information regarding the webinar.
Progressive Planet is an emerging leader in supplying solutions for a livable planet by developing low carbon, pozzolan-based, cementing products which replace equivalent amounts of Portland Cement and fly ash in concrete. The production of Portland Cement is the second largest global generator of CO2 emissions.
Progressive Planet operates its flagship Z1 Natural Pozzolan Quarry in Cache Creek, British Columbia and is earning a 100% interest in the Z2 Natural Pozzolan Property near Falkland, BC and earning a 100% interest in the Heffley Creek Metals and Natural Pozzolan Property. All three properties are within a one-hour drive of Kamloops, BC, an industrial hub with rail access to Canadian and US markets.
For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Jeff Walker,
Vice President, The Howard Group
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.