Zeolite Market Potential

“It is an encouraging sign of the market potential for zeolite when very large industrial chemical companies invest in zeolite.” Steve Harpur


Enhancing the Growth of Cannabis

“This is an interesting article that talks about various ways that technology is being used to enhance the growth of cannabis.

Zeolite has now been proven to provide benefit in growing hemp and work is being done by companies to test zeolite’s ability to enhance the growth of cannabis.” Steve Harpur


MARCH 5, 2019 – VANCOUVER, B.C. – PROGRESSIVE PLANET SOLUTIONS INC. (PLAN: TSX-V) (“Progressive Planet” or the “Company”)  announces the grant of up to 330,000 options that will be granted to an Insider and a Consultant of the Company, exercisable at a price of $0.05 for a period of two years from the date of grant.
The options have been granted in accordance with the Company’s stock option plan.
Progressive Planet is a Canadian based mineral exploration company with its flagship Z1 Zeolite Quarry in British Columbia, and a 100% interest in the Buckingham Graphite Project in Quebec.
Signed “Stephen Harpur”
Stephen Harpur, CPA, CGA
For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Forward-Looking Statements:
Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


February 7, 2019, VANCOUVER, B.C. – PROGRESSIVE PLANET SOLUTIONS INC. (PLAN-TSX:V) (“PLAN” or the “Company”) is pleased to present a corporate update on the company’s activities.

Our first foray into developing an industrial mineral is focused on the extraction of zeolite from the Z-1 Quarry located in Cache Creek.  In 2018, we divested of 3 early stage mineral properties to focus our resources on developing markets for zeolite while testing the zeolite from the Z-1 Quarry for various properties. Also in 2018, we added multiple members to our Board of Directors, our Advisory Board and as employees with backgrounds in engineering, geology, and chemistry.
Our focus for 2019 will be on monetizing zeolite in four areas:

  1. Producing our own supplementary cementing materials (SCM’s) and selling into this space as a Class N SCM.
  2. Selling zeolite as a soil amendment in agriculture. We will use the data from our Zeolite Efficacy Trial as a baseline to market in this area. Our target market are growers (small and large scale) as well as commercial composting facilities.
  3. Selling our zeolite as a “flowing/anticaking agent for livestock feeds“. We applied to the CFIA and we hope to get approval to market our zeolite in this category in 2019.
  4. Selling our zeolite as an alternative to straight road salt for de-icing and anti-slip for commercial property care companies that do parking lot and sidewalk clearing and de-icing. We had our first sale in this market in November 2018.

Further Details on SCMs
The cement industry is currently responsible for about 5% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions.  PLAN believes there is a large opportunity to produce  greener concrete blends and is focusing its efforts on using zeolite as a Supplementary Cementing Material (SCM). There are two factors that make Class N SCM’s more environmentally friendly than conventional cement.
First of all, unlike Portland Cement, Class N SCM’s are produced without the combustion of massive amounts of hydrocarbon fuels (coal, used tires, used plastic, natural gas, etc.) to heat a kiln. Class F SCM’s are a by-product of burning hydrocarbons (coal) to make electricity. Class N SCM’s are produced by grinding pozzolanic materials (including zeolite, pumice, diatomaceous earth, and kaolin).
Secondly, Class N Pozzolans assist in favorable reactions with CO2 to form solid compounds within concrete that permanently sequester CO2. Several companies in Canada are bringing technologies into the marketplace to permanently sequester CO2 in concrete. PLAN is working in this area by using Class N SCM’s as part of the process. Work has included testing our own zeolite while also testing 2 other sources of zeolite from producing mines. In addition, work has been completed on one other pozzolanic material.
By way of background, the most common SCM used in North America today is fly ash (Class F SCM). This fly ash is a by-product of burning coal to produce electricity.  It is widely accepted that burning coal is not environmentally sustainable and we anticipate the availability of Class F SCM’s will diminish into the future based on large scale replacement of coal derived electricity plants in North America.
Samples of our zeolite were taken by an independent BC company owned by engineers with significant experience in the cement industry. These samples were pulverized and tested for their compressive strength in cement mortar using the ASTM C311 Strength Activity Index Test Protocol. We are pleased to announce that our zeolite had superior strength versus commercially available fly ash (Class F SCM).  PLAN has received an expression of interest from an independent third party to partner on producing pulverized zeolite from the Z1 Quarry. Discussions are ongoing, but no deal has yet been reached.  There can be no guarantee or assurance that a deal will be reached.  We will provide further updates as they become available.
PLAN purchased a Collider Mill in the summer of 2018 which can produce serval hundred pounds per hour of pulverized zeolite. This asset is being used to develop quantities of Class N SCM’s from zeolite that has been mined from our Z1 Quarry.  This material is being used in our ongoing Class N SCM product development program.
Research Partnerships
PLAN has previously announced research work with InnoTech Alberta. We have one major ongoing initiative with InnoTech Alberta. This initiative revolves around developing superior materials for next generation batteries. In 2018, significant work was completed in developing super capacitors with the ability to hold high density, static electrical charges. Super capacitors have been a focus of research over the last decade as a complimentary technology to chemical battery systems.
With the conversion of our interest in the Thompson Brothers Lithium Property in Manitoba, this work is no longer considered a primary focus. As a result, our focus in 2019 will be to determine what trade secrets can be patented with work performed to date while seeking a partner to co-fund the balance of this research.
Other Assets
As part of our focus on selling product from the Z1 Quarry, we previously announced the divesting of three mineral properties. PLAN currently has mineral rights interests in only two properties including the Z1 Zeolite Quarry in BC and the Buckingham Graphite Property in Quebec.
In 2018, we announced the conversion of our 20% earn in interest in the Thompson Brothers Lithium Project into shares of Snow Lake Resources (see news release dated November 18, 2018). In addition, we recently signed an agreement to convert an old debt due to us into shares of Group Ten Metals. This agreement is subject to Exchange approval. Finally, Berkwood Resources triggered the conversion of our 5% percent earn in on their graphite property (see news release dated October 30, 2018). We earned this interest by funding $250,000 of Berkwood’s latest exploration program to satisfy PLAN’s requirement to spend $250,000 of flow through funds on a Quebec mineral property before December 31, 2018.
As a result of the foregoing, our converted mineral property interests now include the following:

  • 10,500,000 common shares of Snow Lake Resources;
  • 1,750,000 common shares of Berkwood Resources + 875,000 warrants, exercisable into additional common shares in the capital of Berkwood Resources at a price of $0.15 per share, for a period of 2 years from issuance; and,
  • 200,000 common shares of Group Ten Metals Inc. (subject to Exchange approval).

Cost Cutting
In 2018, we had to fund the remaining balance due to complete our earn in rights to the Z-1 Zeolite Quarry. We also spent significant funds on research and development and in converting non-core mineral assets into marketable securities and in funding existing flow through financing requirements.
A significant amount of this work was conducted by our former COO, Derek Knight. Upon completion of many of these projects, we were excited to see Derek move on to become the CEO of Snow Lake Resources, a company in which we own a significant interest. With this move, a significant part of our payroll was eliminated while a valued team member moved on to develop an asset of value to PLAN.
In addition, we have recently terminated or did not renew multiple services contracts, and we were able to procure services at a lower cost in the areas of corporate secretarial, investor relations, and website/IT services.
We are pleased to announce that a long time shareholder, Mr. David Miedzygorski, has accepted a position handling investor relations.  Before accepting the position, David took the time to visit  the Advanced Materials Centre in Vernon where he observed our Collider Mill producing pulverized zeolite for use in SCM testing and had a tour of our concrete research lab. Mr. Miedzygorski will be paid $1,500 per month and will receive 200,000 stock options, exercisable at $0.05 per share for a period of 2 years, subject to the terms thereto. We welcome Mr. Miedzygorski to our team.
Progressive Planet is a Canadian based mineral exploration company with its flagship Z1 Zeolite Quarry in British Columbia, and a 100% interest in the Buckingham Graphite Project in Quebec.
Signed “Stephen Harpur”
Stephen Harpur, CPA, CGA, CEO
For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

PLAN Announces Private Placement Financing

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / December 6, 2018 / PROGRESSIVE PLANET SOLUTIONS INC. (PLAN-TSX:V) (“Progressive Planet”, “PLAN” or the “Company”) announces the Company has arranged a non-brokered private placement of up to 5,500,000 units (the “Units”) at a price of $0.05 per Unit for aggregate gross proceeds of $275,000 (the “Offering”).
Each Unit is comprised of one common share (a “Share”) and one Common Share purchase warrant (a “Warrant”) of the Company. Each Warrant will entitle the holder to purchase one Share (a “Warrant Share”) at a price of $0.06 per Warrant Share for period of 12 months from the date of Closing. The warrants are subject to an acceleration clause, which states that the issuer will have the right to accelerate the expiry date of the warrants if, at any time, the average closing price of the shares is equal to or greater than 10 cents for 10 consecutive trading days. In the event of acceleration, the expiry date will be accelerated to a date that is 30 days after the issuer issues a news release, announcing that it has elected to exercise this acceleration right.
The Company will not be paying any finders’ fees in relation to the private placement.
Proceeds from the financing will be used for general corporate purposes and for continued product research and development.
Progressive Planet is a Canadian based mineral exploration company with its flagship Z1 Zeolite Mine in British Columbia, an equity interest in Snow Lake Resources, a 5% interest in the Lac Guéret Extensions Graphite Project in Quebec and a 100% interest in the Buckingham Graphite Project in Quebec.
Signed “Stephen Harpur”
Stephen Harpur, CPA, CGA, CEO
For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


December 4, 2018, VANCOUVER, B.C. – PROGRESSIVE PLANET SOLUTIONS INC. (PLAN-TSX:V) (ARB-FRANKFURT) (“PLAN” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that Mr. Reni Proznick has agreed to join PLAN’s advisory board.
Reni Proznick is a professional engineer (Electrical) who is employed by an international engineering firm in a project management role. Reni is experienced in managing both brownfield and greenfield projects throughout BC, Canada.
“We are excited to add Reni to our team. I originally asked Reni to optimize a collider mill we purchased to produce micronized zeolite from our Z-1 Zeolite Quarry for use in developing supplementary, cementitious materials (SCM’s). I was so impressed with his design skills that I asked him to take on a greater role. Having access to these technical skills is invaluable” stated Steve Harpur, CEO of Progressive Planet.
Mr. Proznick has been issued 300,000 stock options as compensation for his efforts in assisting PLAN.
PLAN has now commissioned its concrete lab at the Advanced Materials Centre in Vernon, BC. PLAN has commenced testing of various concrete blends which include micronized zeolite and has hired a chemist to work at its concrete lab.
With respect to the other product development work that PLAN is undergoing on battery materials, Mr. Proznick will also be the lead technical advisor to the CEO.  Specifically, PLAN is funding work being completed by InnoTech Alberta on super high surface area activated carbon. Super high surface area activated carbon can be used for many types of energy storage devices including Li-ion batteries and is a high growth industry.
Progressive Planet is a Canadian based mineral exploration company with its flagship Z1 Zeolite Mine in British Columbia, an equity interest in Snow Lake Resources, a 5% interest in the Lac Guéret Extensions Graphite Project in Quebec and a 100% interest in the Buckingham Graphite Project in Quebec.
Signed “Stephen Harpur”
Stephen Harpur, CPA, CGA, CEO
For further information or investor relations inquiries, please contact us:
Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Rock chip sampling identifies new spodumene occurrences

  • Initial phase of rock chip sampling at Sherritt Gordon records values of up to 3.78% Li2
  • Mineralisation hosted by a spodumene-bearing pegmatite swarm that has been defined third pegmatite “Grass River”
  • The host pegmatites are fresh from surface with no significant depletion of lithium.
  • Significant upside potential due to the lack of previous lithium exploration in the area and the strategic land position secured by Snow Lake along strike.

Initial drilling of Grass River planned by Snow Lake Resources for late 2018/early 2019
Progressive Planet is a large shareholder of Snow Lake Resources.
NOVEMBER 26, 2018, VANCOUVER, B.C. – PROGRESSIVE PLANET SOLUTIONS INC. (PLAN-TSX:V) (“Progressive Planet”, “PLAN” or the “Company”)is pleased to announce that initial reconnaissance rock chip sampling at Snow Lake Resources Sherritt Gordon has recorded new occurrences of higher grade lithium mineralisation (>1.5% Li2O/Figure 1) over an extensive area, with results including:

  • SG1802 = 78 % Li20 -Grass River Pegmatite
  • SG1804 = 15 %Li20 – SG – Pegmatite

Following Nova’s discovery (ASX Release 28 August 2018) as part of compilation work of historical data, the SNOW (Snow Lake Resources) team have discovered details on a cluster of spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes located about 2 km southwest of the recently drilled Thomson Brothers pegmatite (Figure 1).
This cluster, known as the Sherritt Gordon (SG) pegmatites, intrudes the outermost quartz diorite phase of the Rex Lake Pluton and was traced about 600 m along strike (Figure 2) by Sherritt Gordon Mines in the 1940s. Dyke SG-1 ranges from 1.5 to 5 m in width and dips 80o to the southwest. Dyke SG-2 is thinner and located about 70 m to the northeast of SG-1 and dips 50o – 70o southwest.
In 1942, the SG-1 pegmatite was drill tested by Sherritt Gordon, and a total of twenty-one shallow drill holes totaling 608 m were completed at angles of -35o with a azimuths of 028o (Figure 3). Rather than reporting assays for Li2O, results in the historical drill logs are reported in “Gravitational Determination Percent Spodumene”. This historical drilling yielded average spodumene contents ranging from 7.22 – 31.9 percent over widths ranging from 1.52 – 5.79 m core length (Table 1). The data contained within Table 1 is a recalculation of percent spodumene from data obtained in the 1942 drill logs. Data for hole SG-08 was not available within the drill log data file.
SG and Grass River pegmatites remain open along strike in both directions and at depth. Dyke SG-2 was never drilled historically. The SG pegmatites are interpreted to have intruded late stage, sub parallel en-echelon, dilatational fractures. If both dykes are projected to depth they could merge or intersect at a depth of approximately 160 m.
Snow Lake Resources intends a follow up drilling program to evaluate the SG-1, 2 and Grass River pegmatites which could contribute to increasing the overall resource inventory of the Thompson Brothers Lithium Project.

Figure 1: Map showing pegmatite locations and rock chip samples

 “We are committed to assisting Snow Lake Resources with their goal of fast tracking development of the Thompson Brothers Lithium Project.  As a significant shareholder, we are excited to watch this new Sheritt Gordon Zone be systematically explored by Snow Lake in an effort to increase the tonnage of the Thompson Brothers Lithium Project” stated Steve Harpur, CEO of Progressive Planet.
Qualified Person
The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dwayne Melrose, P. Geo., a Director of Progressive Planet and a qualified person as defined in NI 43‐101 and is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia.
Progressive Planet is a Canadian based mineral exploration company with a flagship zeolite mine in British Columbia, and a graphite property in Buckingham, Quebec.
Signed “Stephen Harpur”
Stephen Harpur, CPA, CGA
For further information, or to place a zeolite order, please contact:
Stephen Harpur. CEO
Forward-Looking Statements:
Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Progressive Planet Grants Options

VANCOUVER, BC /ACCESSWIRE / NOVEMBER 26, 2018 / PROGRESSIVE PLANET SOLUTIONS INC. (PLAN-TSX:V)(“Progressive Planet” or the “Company”) announces the grant of up to 975,000 options that will be granted to Officers, Directors and Consultants of the Company, exercisable at a price of $0.055 for a period of two years from the date of grant.
The options have been granted in accordance with the Company’s stock option plan.
Progressive Planet is a Canadian based mineral exploration company with a flagship zeolite mine in British Columbia, a 20% interest in a lithium project in Manitoba and a graphite property in Buckingham, Quebec.
Signed “Stephen Harpur”
Stephen Harpur, CPA, CGA
Forward-Looking Statements:
Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Hemp Grow Trial Shows Z1-Zeolite Affected Cannabinoid Compounds

NOVEMBER 26, 2018, VANCOUVER, B.C. – PROGRESSIVE PLANET SOLUTIONS INC. (PLAN-TSX:V) (“Progressive Planet”, “PLAN” or the “Company”) has received additional results from InnoTech Alberta for its Zeolite Efficacy Trial. We have disclosed what we deem to be material in nature.
The trial included two popular grow media used in the Cannabis industry. Each grow medium was placed into 28 pots. For each grow medium, seven pots containing no Z1 Zeolite functioned as a baseline and seven pots had 5%, 10% and 15% of Z1 Zeolite added by weight respectively.
The objectives of the study were to investigate the effect of PLAN’s Z1 Zeolite on the growth and qualities of greenhouse grown low-THC Cannabis (industrial hemp), irrigation water use and nutrient release/retention of two substrates. The first substrate was an organic grow medium specifically tailored for growing Cannabis. The second substrate was a widely used, high porosity, low density, peat-based growing medium, widely available for retail purchase in Canada, which also contains mycorrhizae.
Section 39(1) of the Industrial Hemp Regulations (IHR) allows a variety of industrial hemp to be designated as an approved cultivar, provided that the variety will produce a plant that will contain 0.3% THC or less in its leaves and flowering heads. For our study, we selected the Sativa hemp cultivar X-59 (Hemp Nut). This cultivar contains compacted, profuse flower heads and is known to contain approximately 1.5% of CBD and 0.1% or less of THC at grain harvest stage according to Dr. Jan Slaski, the lead advisor of the Zeolite Efficacy Study. Finally, this cultivar of hemp is exempt from THC testing under subsection 16 (1) of the Industrial Hemp Regulations.
We wish to state that the chemical composition and the cation exchange capacity of Zeolite vary for different deposits. As a result, the results from this study cannot be extrapolated for other Zeolite deposits.
Prior results reported focused solely on the organic grow medium and did not include any cannabinoid analyses of flower tissue for either of the grow media.
The cannabinoids analyzed included CBC, CBD, CBDa, CBG, CBGa, CBN, d8-THC, d9-THC, THCa, and THCV.  We have not reported any THC compounds as the cultivar used contains 0.1% or less of THC at grain harvest as described above. A UHPLC system equipped with a UV DAD detector was used for the analyses of all cannabinoids tested.
PLAN will not release all the data from the report in order to protect intellectual property, but the following material observations were made:
Organic grow medium designed for growing Cannabis

  • Z1 Zeolite added to the organic grow medium improved soil moisture conservation and the retention of the majority of 19 tested elements and improved the mineral status of the flower buds.
  • Based on calculated harvest index, flower bud yield was increased where Z1 Zeolite was added.
  • The highest average total bud yield per category of Z1 Zeolite added was 123.2 grams per plant and this average was recorded for the seven pots which contained 10% Z1 Zeolite. The baseline with no Z1 Zeolite had a yield of 118 grams, which was not significantly different than the 10% Z1 Zeolite addition result.
  • Z1 Zeolite did not significantly affect the production of all detectable cannabinoid compounds versus the baseline; however, total CBD ranged between 0.54% to 2.66% when Z1 Zeolite was added. Much of this variation may be attributed to genetic variability of the seed. InnoTech Alberta proposed further study of Z-1 Zeolite using clonally propagated high-CBD lines of industrial hemp and/or high THC Cannabis strains to quantify this efficacy.

Widely available peat-based grow medium

  • Z1 Zeolite added to the peat-based grow medium did not improve soil moisture conservation or nutrient retention. This result was not unexpected as the peat-based medium is designed as a multi-use growing medium and is specifically designated as high porosity with a high content of perlite.
  • The highest average total bud yield per category of Z1 Zeolite added was 162.8 grams per plant and this average was recorded for the seven pots which contained 10% Z1 Zeolite. The baseline with no Z1 Zeolite had a yield of 59.1 grams.
  • In plants grown in 10% Z1 Zeolite pots, the total CBD concentration available as a percentage was slightly lower versus the organic growing medium, but the absolute total CBD amount as measured by weight was higher due to the higher total bud yield.
  • Zeolite stimulated the production of tested cannabinoid compounds. When 5% or 10 % Z1 Zeolite was added to the grow media, CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC and THC were higher than the baseline (0% Z1 Zeolite added). Total CBD available was 1.07% for the baseline with no Z1 Zeolite. Total CBD was 1.40% and 1.38% with 5% and 10% Z1 Zeolite added respectively. As with the organic grow medium, InnoTech Alberta recommended further trials using clonally propagated high-CBD lines of industrial hemp and/or high THC cannabis strains.

Based on the excellent results of the study with respect to 10% Z1 Zeolite added to the widely available peat-based grow medium, Progressive Planet plans to begin selling 454-gram (1 pound) bags of Z-1 Zeolite on its website.  The e-commerce platform to enable online shopping is being developed concurrently with packaging and labeling.
“I am very satisfied that the study confirmed our hypothesis that our Z1 Zeolite has merit when used with a widely available Canadian grow medium.  Progressive Planet has an existing bagging line at the Advanced Material Centre and we plan to start selling small bags of Z1 Zeolite to Canadians who wish to use this to enhance grow media when legally growing Cannabis plants in their homes in Canada,” said Stephen Harpur, CEO. Progressive Planet also plans to offer larger bags and bulk sales of Z1 Zeolite to commercial Canadian hemp and Cannabis growers in Canada in 2019.
Based on the results of this trial, Progressive Planet has procured an option to lease five acres of land immediately adjacent to its Advanced Materials Centre in Vernon, BC for the purpose of growing strains of industrial hemp outdoors during the 2019 growing season. All strains we plan to grow will be designated by Health Canada as approved cultivars.  In addition, an additional five acres of farm land located in Salmon Arm, BC and owned by Stephen Harpur, CEO, have been made available for the same purpose. Progressive Planet has no plans to grow any strain of Cannabis which contains high levels of THC.
It is the intention of Progressive Planet to use the data gathered from this comprehensive study to focus on maximizing the yield of both CBD and CBG in industrial hemp. Progressive Planet intends to engage InnoTech Alberta as technical advisors for this second phase of testing.  “I am excited to act as a Technical Advisor to Progressive Planet in their pursuit of high bud yields and increased CBD and CBG cannabinoid concentrations in Phase 2 of their Z1 Zeolite Efficacy Grow Trials. For Phase 1, the constraint of time did not permit us to use clones. With the data from Phase 1 and the time to procure clones, this is an option for Phase 2 of the Z1 Zeolite Efficacy Trials” stated Dr. Jan Slaski.
There is no guarantee that Progressive Planet will receive approval to grow industrial hemp in 2019 in either of these two locations in the Okanagan Region of BC.  The Company cautions that it remains in the evaluation stage of these opportunities only, and has not submitted any applications to become a licensed grower of industrial hemp, and that any transaction resulting in the Company’s entry into the hemp industry will require various approvals, including that of Health Canada and the TSX Venture Exchange, and at present, none of those approvals have been sought.
Progressive Planet is a Canadian based mineral exploration company with its flagship Z1 Zeolite Mine in British Columbia, an equity interest in Snow Lake Resources, the right to earn a 5% interest in the Lac Guéret Extensions Graphite Project in Quebec and a 100% interest in the Buckingham Graphite Project in Quebec.
Signed “Stephen Harpur”
Stephen Harpur, CPA, CGA
For further information, please contact:
Stephen Harpur. CEO
 Forward-Looking Statements:
Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


NOVEMBER 18, 2018, VANCOUVER, B.C. – PROGRESSIVE PLANET SOLUTIONS INC. (PLAN-TSX:V) (“Progressive Planet”, “PLAN” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that an agreement has been signed between Snow Lake Resources and Progressive Planet to include PLAN’s 20% interest in the Thompson Brothers Lithium Property in the upcoming Snow Lake Resources IPO.
The agreement has PLAN receiving total consideration of $3,325,000 through a cash payment of $325,000 and the issuance of 12,000,000 common shares in the capital of Snow Lake (the “Snow Lake Shares“), to be issued at a deemed price of $0.25 per common share.  In order to complete the remaining option agreement, the company will compensate Strider Resources 1,500,000 of the Snow Lake Shares and $325,000 as a cash payment.
Snow Lake intends to raise $3 million pursuant to its proposed flow-through financing during the remainder of 2018 to fund a drill program during Q1 2019.
In relation to this transaction, Derek Knight, current COO of Progressive Planet, will be leading Snow Lake Resources as the CEO. Derek will be winding up with Progressive Planet on November 30, 2018 to dedicate his full attention to fast track development of the Thompson Brothers Lithium Property.
“We are very excited to be partnering with Nova Minerals to include our interests together in the IPO of Snow Lake Resources.  I was very impressed by the amount of exploration work that Nova was able to complete in two seasons of exploration when they had five years to complete this work in order to earn their 80% interest. We are fully supportive and behind Snow Lake’s fast track development strategy of the project and I believe moving 100% of the Thompson Brothers Lithium Property into one vehicle fully focused on developing this property is the best option to add value for our shareholders while we focus on developing our zeolite assets. I also wish to thank Derek for his hard work with PLAN including liaising with all parties to get this transaction completed.” stated Steve Harpur, CEO of Progressive Planet.
Qualified Person
The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dwayne Melrose, P. Geo., a Director of Progressive Planet and a qualified person as defined in NI 43‐101 and is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia.
Progressive Planet is a Canadian based mineral exploration company with a flagship zeolite mine in British Columbia, and a graphite property in Buckingham, Quebec.
Signed “Stephen Harpur”
Stephen Harpur, CPA, CGA
For further information, or to place a zeolite order, please contact:
Stephen Harpur. CEO
Forward-Looking Statements:
Some of the statements in this news release contain forward-looking information that involves inherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Progressive Planet Solutions Inc. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.