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For a Truly Progressive Planet

Our ESG Commitment

The adoption of ESG best practices and the societal push to improve annual greenhouse gas emissions has no doubt helped stimulate interest in cleantech innovation. At Progressive Planet, we see a greenfield of opportunity to reduce pressure on the environment by considering the lifecycle of products and resources and understanding what shapes industry regulations and investment across the cleantech economy.

Progressive Planet is introducing its own ESG reporting by June 30, 2022.

"Every single product that we introduce into the market, we do so to lower the carbon footprints of the end user so the next generation can enjoy this planet as much as we do."

– Stephen Harpur, CEO

Operating in the Circular Economy

The circular economy aims to redefine growth, focusing on solutions that yield positive society-wide benefits through smarter production and consumption.  For businesses that understand and operate with this principle in mind – it can become a competitive edge of epic proportion. 

Progressive Planet’s development efforts are dedicated to tackling the global challenges of climate change. We help industries see and experience the strength of natural minerals used to and sustainable circular solutions to reuse, recycle and regenerate.


Carbon sequestration as a massive opportunity area across the construction, agricultural and other industries. Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing, securing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, with the intent to stabilize carbon in solid and dissolved forms to lessen and reverse global warming.

Companies and governments are acting with increased urgency to develop plans to decarbonize and promote activities that create environmental benefits through carbon capture / sequestration or regenerative agriculture.

The adoption of ESG best practices and the societal push to improve annual greenhouse gas emissions has no doubt helped stimulate interest in cleantech innovation. At Progressive Planet, we see a greenfield of opportunity to reduce pressure on the environment by considering the lifecycle of products and resources and understanding what shapes industry regulations and investment across the cleantech economy.